Our Services
Providing professional solutions for construction projects

Budgeting and Cost Estimating
Our expertise includes project conceptualization, as-builts, preparation of budgets, review of lease exhibits, pre-construction forensics and the generation of scope documentation

Design Coordination
Coordination of architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural and civil consultants for the preparation of design and construction documentation

Scope Generation
Reviewing design documentation for compliance with lease exhibits, defining existing issues and revising scope documents for to insure uniform bidding criteria

Permit Expediting
Aggregating construction documentation, engaging sub-contractors, researching permit requirements, completion and submittal of permit applications.

Construction Management
Executing well-planned and properly financed projects within quality, budgetary and timeframes negotiated. Submitting proper filings to all governing jurisdictions, coordinating sub-contractor work, insuring the closure of all permits and the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy

Landlord / Tenant Representation
Representing either or both a tenant or landlord in a construction manager capacity. Producing the work on behalf of the principal with appropriate communication between the parties
We cover the state of Florida
We work when you need us to
Types of Projects
Retail • Office • Restaurants • Banking